
Hotel Details: (Hotel must be booked separately, not included in registration fee!)

The Holiday Inn in Independence, Ohio has given the attendees of Breakthru 2023 a discounted room rate of $115.00 per night.  You can book using the following link:

Hotel Booking Instructions:

If you scroll down just below the picture you will find a “Check-In” and “Check-Out” button.  Set those two dates, set the number of people in your room, and click on the “Check Availability” button.  This should bring up your options of a King size room or a Double bed room.  Choose the room you would like and fill out the remaining information.

If you get a room rate other than $115.00 per night or encounter any issues with the web page please email Dave Assmus at

Hotel Address

Hotel Phone

tel:11 216 5248050

Book Online

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